The Forgotten True Meaning of Chanukah

Chanukah is not simply another Jewish holiday where “They tried to kill us. We won. Let’s eat.” Yes, the extraordinary Maccabean victory over the Greek-Macedonian Empire should be celebrated. The miracle of finding pure olive oil to light the Temple menorah is also extremely important to remember; as well as all of the other miracles Hashem has performed for us throughout history. Yet there is still something else that sets Chanukah apart from every other Jewish holiday that modern Jews today seem to gloss over.

Changing My Name

Since I was a child, I knew I wanted to be called by my Hebrew name, Rachel. But as is often the case, life kept getting in the way.

How to Choose a Place to Live in Israel

Getting approval, saying goodbye to family and friends, and stepping off the plane is only half the battle in making Aliyah. The other half is creating a new life here for yourself and your family. One of the first things you’ll need to do is find a place to live. It is preferable to know where you’ll be living beforehand, especially if you’re bringing a lift (shipping container). But if you don’t know where you’ll be living pre-Aliyah, don’t panic. My husband and I thought we knew where we would be living and well, things changed (for the better). We stayed at an Airbnb in Jerusalem for a couple of weeks while we scoured yad2 for apartments in Yehuda & Shomron. My parents did the same thing when they made Aliyah and put their lift in storage (expensive, not ideal). That said, here are some things to look for in a community:

How to Learn Hebrew

Competency in the Hebrew language is the single most crucial skill you can acquire before making Aliyah. Does this mean that Aliyah is off the table if you don’t speak a word of Hebrew? No, it is fairly simple to get by day to day living in English, especially as a tourist or student. But…

How to Pack for Aliyah

The most important word when it comes to packing for Israel is DECLUTTER. This is true for a move anywhere. When we live in one place for many years, it’s natural to accumulate many things. But when it comes to moving to Israel, you don’t only have moving to a very far away place working against you. The apartments and houses in Israel are a lot smaller than we are used to in America.

Passover 2022: Dayenu

Pesach is around the corner. Soon we will be remembering the slavery in Egypt, our wandering in the desert, and our first entry into the land as a nation under the leadership of Joshua.

Buying Our First Car in Israel

edless to say, as olim chadashim living in the center of the Shomron without a car, life has been pretty difficult getting around and going to government appointments, the bank, etc. Add to that the fact that we’re newlyweds, and because of our busy schedules and having to bus anywhere we go, we hadn’t been able to go on a honeymoon (or even so much as a tiyul). Thus, our search for a car began.